Velkommen til Horndal Portalen |
The story of the "HORNDAL" family name: The story of our family name "Horndal" is that one of our ancestors bought the name. He did this, because he worked as an office clerk, and in this office they were three men with the last name "Jensen". And he got very tired of jumping up, everytime somebody called out: "Jensen", so he changed his last name to "Horndal". The name "Horndal" is besides being our family name also a town in the country of Sweden, this has let to confusion for people on the Internet searching this specific town, so we have decided to link to the town description on wikipedia: The town of Horndal in Sweden. Horndal familiens medlemmer er:
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Opdateret den 27. maj 2009. ~ Oprettet den 27. August 2005. |